5 Tips for an Effective Start of Day

The morning is the most important part of the day. We’ve figured out how to organize the first hours after waking up so that the whole day is as productive as possible.
Define your goals and objectives
Putting together a to-do list for the day seems like a futile exercise. Plans can change, and unforeseen accidents can disrupt a coherent plan of action. However, psychologists recommend to spend a few minutes in the morning to write down in a notebook those tasks that you have to perform in the first place. Spontaneity is not always as good as it seems, in addition, if you sin by regular delays, the goals recorded on paper, will become the first step to punctuality. Also, experts recommend to tell the paper not only what you want to do in the coming day, but also indicate a clear motivation, then the daily grind will seem to you a minor hindrance on the way to the main goal, which is also necessary to specify.
Free yourself from problems
Every new day you need to start with a clean slate, this is the main rule, without which productive work is almost impossible. Try to put all the problems in yesterday, shift your attention to something else. Try to just enjoy the new day, your first cup of fragrant coffee, the weather outside the window. Even if it’s far from perfect. Stop reflecting on yesterday’s conflicts, resentments, in short, anything that may have plunged you into discomfort. The past is over, that is why start the next day with a smile, imagine that all the tasks that yesterday still seemed impossible to you, today will be resolved by magic wand, because, as you know, thought has the ability to materialize.

Although morning workouts are not as effective for your body as evening workouts, they are quite capable of providing clarity of thought. What’s more, a regular workout in the morning will fill you with energy for the whole day. Not to mention that morning exercise is a great reason to be proud of your willpower. Don’t forget to praise yourself for every exercise you do, because, in fact, most people prefer to spend time before work in a cozy bed – alas, it’s not good for their health. In addition, psychologists are convinced that morning exercise is not only a great recharge, but also a way to get rid of yesterday’s stress. So if you accustom yourself to physical activity in the early hours, you have every chance to enter the new day with a great mood and full preparedness for unforeseen difficulties.
Pay attention to breakfast

Early breakfast is a nearly impossible task for many of us – sometimes it’s absolutely impossible to force yourself to eat at least a small bite right after waking up. However, if you dream about energy for the whole day, you still have to eat in the morning. It turns out that people who neglect breakfast are more prone to stress, cardiovascular disease, depression, and weakened immunity. In addition, if you are watching your figure, not having breakfast, you risk eating twice as much at lunch as you would like to. Therefore, you should pay the closest attention to your morning meal. First drink a glass of water – such a procedure is necessary in order to “wake up” the body, and then do the usual things – take a shower, pack a bag, prepare your clothes and only after that you can sit down for breakfast – by this time all the organs are awake from their night sleep and ready to function. Despite the fact that breakfast should be quite dense – do not overeat, otherwise instead of a cheerful spirit you will provide a sleepiness and lethargy for the day.
Get into work mode
After all the morning rituals, you are left with the most important thing – get into work mode. Despite the fact that this kind of advice sounds very abstract, nevertheless, its implementation is the finishing touch of our productive morning. So think about it. What it is that sets you up for the right mood. For each person, this process is strictly individual, perhaps it will help you to prepare the office clothes, or just a moment of reflection on the work, for example – contemplating a new project or rehearsing an important conversation with the boss. It does not matter what kind of action it will be – the main thing is to get out of your relaxed state and concentrate on the work ahead.