Experts say that you can learn about the character of the person by the things that surround him, and even the car can tell a lot about the personality of the driver. Perhaps you, too, have noticed the connection between the car and its owner? We have collected opinions of different experts to find out what stands behind this connection.
1. Car size
There is an opinion that a big car shows hidden complexes of its owner. In fact, behind the wheel of SUVs often sit quite confident men and women. The choice of massive cars shows more about the independence, excitement and love of freedom of the driver. Fans of tiny cars are usually sensitive and practical natures. They are not looking for status, and often choose small cars, to reduce the harm to the environment. Read more here.
2. Driving style
Scientists claim that unhurried and safe driving is typical for open-minded and good-natured people with a steady nervous system. The calmer a person drives, the more confident he is and the more inclined to altruism. On the other hand, aggressive driving and risky maneuvers are indicative of anxiety, impulsiveness or accumulated stress.
3. Price
The stereotype that the more expensive the car, the more selfish its owner is on the road is not so far from the truth. The studies showed that the drivers of expensive premium cars are more focused on their own benefits. They care less about others’ opinions and are more attracted to adventures, and therefore they may refuse the rules. These drivers are more impetuous and purposeful than those who choose modest cars. Owners of inexpensive cars are more attentive and law-abiding.
4. Car color
The most popular color of the car is recognized black. This color reflects the owner’s desire to emphasize their personal power and at the same time stay safe. The white color of the car is chosen by people prone to perfectionism. Blue colors indicate that the driver is most likely a rational person, extrovert and optimist. And yellow cars are chosen by friendly, open-minded people with a good sense of humor. Red, contrary to the stereotype, does not indicate an expressive driver, but a red car causes a more aggressive reaction from other motorists.

5. Behavior behind the wheel
Do you like to drive with friends and chat while driving? Do you use hands free? Are you distracted by choosing a radio station and adjusting your mirrors? The more distracting knickknacks in the car, the friendlier the driver. And at the same time, more careless. According to studies, 57% of traffic incidents occur because the driver is distracted by talking to his passengers. Therefore, it is better to leave the communication until a more convenient moment.
6. Driving position
The way exactly how a motorist most often holds onto the wheel characterizes his or her personality.
– The beginners move close to the windshield, and hold their hands strictly on top of the steering wheel. If a seasoned driver sits in this position, it reveals his/her insecurity, anxiety and pessimism.
– The grip with two hands from below distinguishes a born leader who can be a support for others.
– People gravitating toward a positive outlook on life more often hold the steering wheel with one hand. They have the features of optimists and adventurers.
– Those who relaxedly twist the steering wheel, holding it by the center, usually have a tendency to comply with the rules and orderliness. This is the safest way to drive an auto.
7. Brand
Every brand of car has its own character. And owners, even if unknowingly, discover similar traits reflected in the study.
– For BMW devotees, intelligence comes first. They tend to delve into new knowledge more than others and quickly navigate the flow of information.
– Volkswagen enthusiasts gravitate towards creativity. They describe themselves as people with a good imagination.
– Those who are loyal to the Ford brand are known for their friendliness. They usually get along well with people and enjoy making new acquaintances.
– The Mercedes-Benz fans feel in themselves the leadership abilities, they are not afraid to take responsibility and take the initiative. In addition, the results of the survey revealed them to be adventurers, prone to unreasonable risk. Read here about best tuner for 5.3 silverado.
8. Salon
A personal car is more than a vehicle. It is subconsciously perceived as a second home. Therefore, the cleanliness of the car roughly reflects the driver’s environment and how he or she handles responsibility for others. Complete chaos in a saloon, most likely, will show an infantile person, and a perfect order tells about excessive pedantry and closeness of the owner.
9. Transmission
Manual or automatic? A fundamental aversion to one and commitment to the other can tell a lot about a person. People who consciously choose a car with a manual transmission are more conservative. It is important for them to feel, that they hold the situation under control. They are not afraid of responsibility, but sometimes tend to take on too many tasks because of difficulties with delegation. The automatic box is chosen by people who are easier on the rise. As a rule, they are quicker to open up to new things, are loyal to others, but may be less attentive