

Best beds for students

Who rests well works! The same applies to study: the brain needs a regular reset to gain new knowledge. The best rest for it is sleep. And this process is not just for recuperation.

Students often forget about sleep. They think that night is the perfect time to finish their coursework, complete their tests, and do practical work. It’s quiet, everyone is asleep, and no one and nothing distracts from the process. And it does not matter that the house is out of coffee and matches do not stick in your eyes.

During sleep, the brain transfers information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Through this process, we can assimilate information and reproduce it on demand. So it is better to sleep at night.

At least 7 hours a day a person should spend in the realm of Morpheus on a comfortable mattress. Let’s look at how to organize it all.

Bed, sofa, ottoman: what to choose?

Of course, the bed. If you can organize a separate place to sleep, then there’s nothing to think about. No sofa and even an ottoman can not surpass the bed. After all, for it, you can buy an orthopedic mattress, on which the dream will be more comfortable and valuable.

How to choose a bed?

Consider your height and measurements

People taller than 180 cm will be satisfied with a bed with a length of 190 cm. But if your height is closer to 2 meters and above, you should look for a model of non-standard size.

Consider the size of the room.

To ensure that the bed was not “from wall to wall”, choose its size, taking into account the characteristics of the room. The bed can be:

  • single bed: width of 0.8 to 1 m;
  • Semi-bed: width up to 1,6 m;
  • Double bed: width from 1.6 m.

Choose a comfortable height.

You need to be able to get up and go to bed comfortably. In the morning it is not easy to get off the pillow, and if the bed is so low that on rising from it you feel dizzy and your knees creak, something is wrong.

A podium bed that barely protrudes above the floor is not a good choice. It is said that the optimal height of the bed is at the level of your knee. Measure this area of your own body with a ruler and get the right answer.

Check the quality and structure of the mattress

It is important to know the peculiarities of your back and make sure that it is comfortable on the mattress. If you have spinal problems and are medically required to sleep on a firm mattress, you need a firm mattress.

In all other cases be guided by your feelings. It is better to test the mattress already in the store and lie on it. As a rule, medium hardness suits many people. And it does not make a difference what exactly an orthopedic mattress is filled with, the main thing is that you feel comfortable lying on it.

Pay attention to the availability of built-in drawers and shelves.

It is convenient and functional, and you will thank yourself that you chose this particular model. Extra storage space will not hurt even the owners of large apartments.

It’s great when you don’t have to specially buy a nightstand or dresser, on which you can put a lamp and put your favourite book.

Bed with flexible frames

Also, it’s good varients for small room. These beds are foldable and there is more space in the room. You can study at the table during the day and disassemble the bed in the evening.

Examine the bed base

Especially if you like to fall on it.

Not every model is designed for such loads. For example, the metal bars are unlikely to suffer from this, but the design made of thin wooden slats may not.

Choose a quality bed material

Of course, nothing can be better than natural wood, but such a bed will be much more expensive.

Choosing between chipboard and mdf gives preference to the second. After all, in the manufacture of this material no harmful resins are used.

An ideal choice for a student:

  • One-and-a-half bed 140×200 with orthopedic medium-hard mattress.

How to choose a sofa for a student

Remember that you take the sofa with a specific purpose: to sleep on it every night. It should be comfortable and convenient to lie on it.

Sofa for sleeping should be:

A recliner.

And nothing else. A fashionable design model, well-matched to the interior of your room, maybe completely unusable for sleep, especially if the seat has a slope.

And the reclining mechanism should be simple so that every morning you do not have to solve the logical task of “pulling together the sofa.

As flat as possible when reclining.

It is uncomfortable to sleep on a relief surface. And, besides, it is harmful! So opt for models without the curves of the seat and back.


If there is no possibility to sleep on a quality orthopedic mattress, the way your sofa at least remotely resembles something like this. Overly soft models, in which you fall through the fifth point, are not suitable for daily sleep.

How to choose an ottoman for student

Ottoman – the golden mean between the bed and sofa. It has a drawer for linen storage and a lifting mechanism. In addition, this furniture is quite compact, which solves the problem of small rooms. It can be installed even in the kitchen.

When choosing should be guided by the same points as for the sofa. But in general, a futon will cost you not much cheaper, and its functionality is much lower.

Here we will consider the most compact version of the bed.

Armchair bed.

I must say this is the best option for those who have a small room. The chair bed will not take up much space, even when unfolded.

The armchair bed can contain everything that usually includes a sofa or ottoman, only it takes up half as much space. During the day it is a cozy chair, and at night it is a real bed.

And the youth is good that you can sleep even on the floor, and then no problem to go to school and feel like a charged battery. But do not rely too much on this resource, because if you do not treat it carefully, it quickly exhausts itself. 

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Students

The student years are a fun, yet challenging time. Most students, living separately from their parents, save on the essentials. Therefore, even yesterday’s supporters of healthy eating have instant noodles, buns from the nearest canteen, and sandwiches with mayonnaise on the menu.

When you are young, health is like air: you don’t notice it until it is there. However, a diet of fast food and snacks on the go can lead even a twenty-year-old to a gastroenterologist’s office. Approximately 35% of gastritis patients are students. In order not to fill up the medical statistics, it is necessary to stick to a balanced diet. You don’t need a lot of money for this – a student budget can withstand proper nutrition. However, it can be said that you can also eat healthily at university, for example by ordering food from Walmart. Only here at students can really choose to eat healthy meals and have a full meal, even at work or study. As for the prices for catering menu in Walmart, they are suitable for every student here, you can see this information in more detail here.

Healthy Eating Regime

When we talk about good nutrition, eating healthy foods is not enough to say that we are eating right. It requires some more nuances, such as portion size, the balance of the diet, and eating habits. If all of these conditions are met, then it’s just perfect. But it is possible only if we don’t work or stay at home and have time to count the number of servings and even more to eat according to a regimen.

What Does A Healthy Eating Regimen Include?

1. Breakfast. We are used to having breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And now we hear that we need to eat 5-6 times a day just in small portions. That said, we want our menus to be varied throughout the day.

As for breakfast, some students neglect it because when they wake up they don’t want to eat, but can have a cup of tea or coffee. The fact is that both coffee and sugar instantly give a dose of simple carbohydrates and caffeine, the body instantly cheers up and you feel that you are full of strength and energy to continue to be active throughout the day. But strangely enough, these substances are removed from the blood as quickly as they come in so that in place of vigor and energy comes a loss of energy, and in addition, a strong hunger that comes on suddenly. The main idea: it is necessary to have breakfast, preferably at 7-9 in the morning or half an hour after you wake up. Drink 100-150 grams of water before that.

2. Lunch. Some people think that lunch is the most important meal and this opinion is wrong. It is more about breakfast. How you start the day, so you spend it. It’s just that breakfast and lunch are different in diet and time. If you ate breakfast right, which is 7-9 a.m., then you’ll want to eat lunch around 12-13 p.m. There is also one intermediate meal, it is called lunch, it is about 1.5-2 hours before lunch.

3. Dinner. This meal, although not the most important meal of the day, is no less important for the body. You might even say that it is very important for the next day. The evening meal can affect our desire for breakfast the next day. If we eat too much, of course, we will want to eat breakfast the next day. Dinner, as a rule, should be around 5-6 pm. It should be a food easy to digest, but also complex. In the evening there should not be porridge, as our body will already find it difficult to digest rough fiber, and it is better that it was boiled or baked fish, vegetables, chicken breast, fermented dairy products.


Nutrition is one of the most painful issues among students. Often young people take it lightly until the first signs of the consequences of this light-heartedness appear. Meanwhile, in order not to get gastritis, it’s enough just to remind yourself of the need to eat rationally every day. But my tips for proper nutrition will help to learn the simple rules for health.

It’s a mistake to think that eating right is based on starvation or eating bland food. Healthy and balanced, and most importantly, tasty food contributes to good sleep, well-being, energy throughout the day, and the absence of various diseases. Below are tips for proper nutrition, following them will contribute to the health of the body.

Tip 1. The transition from the old regime of nutrition should be carried out gradually. The food you eat should be varied by gradually including dishes of fruits and vegetables, thus making it more useful and delicious. It is also worthwhile to consume more fluids and water and to exercise daily.

Tip 2. The basis of a healthy diet – moderation. Proper functioning of the body is carried out in accordance with the balance between proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats, vitamins, dietary fiber. Therefore, the number and frequency of certain foods should be reduced.

Tip 3. It is necessary to take a closer look at the very process of eating, excluding swallowing on the run. Food should be thoroughly chewed. Breakfast is an obligatory meal. You should start the morning with light exercise, making your heart and lungs work, followed by breakfast. These processes are important for the body, left for several hours without food, they will help it to wake up and function. And the plan of your own menu should be made in advance, a week or a month in order to avoid the desire to consume unhealthy food. As a result, in your daily diet there will be healthy and tasty food.

Tip 4. The main components of a healthy diet are fruits and vegetables. Vegetables should be added to your diet in small portions to gradually get used to their taste. Green vegetables contain magnesium, calcium, iron, and vitamins. Carrots, beets, corn, and pumpkin are vegetables that contain sugar. Consumption of sweet fruits can reduce cravings for sweets, and berries can prevent cancer.

Tip 5. Protein plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body, it includes amino acids that provide immunity, muscle tissue, respiratory organ strengthening. Protein helps optimize blood sugar levels. The source of protein is not only red meat but also fresh fish, salmon, and turkey. Also, the human body needs the necessary amount of calcium contained in green vegetables, dairy products, and legumes. A moderate amount of salt and sugar should be consumed. To do this, you should gradually limit the consumption of fast food, canned foods, ketchup, frozen dinners, that is, foods that already contain salt. moderate salt intake.

That’s It!

In the end, we must remember that good nutrition does not imply strictness and monotony in eating. It simply helps to maintain full health and energy throughout the day and for many years to come.

Essential Skills for College Students

Often students and their parents perceive the diploma of higher education as a guarantee of successful employment and a secure future. But is it so? Modern managers do not look at the insert with beautiful grades or the line about the form of education – they are more important personal and professional qualities of the candidate. I have prepared a list of useful skills that are worth mastering in college and university to be successful in the future.


Motivation is a need that motivates a person to do something that brings him or her closer to the goal. Learning is quite a complex type of intellectual activity. It requires a serious interest in the process. A result-oriented student is usually driven by the following motives:

  • The desire to learn something new for oneself
  • The desire to become a highly skilled professional
  • A desire to have a job in a prestigious organization and a high salary
  • A desire to expand the circle of acquaintances
  • The desire to establish oneself in society and to obtain a high status

So how to increase, for example, motivation to learn English? One can imagine that a person has already achieved his goal and has an excellent command of English. In this regard, what prospects have opened in front of him? This is an interesting and well-paid job, a quick climb up the career ladder, new acquaintances, exciting travels, the ability to feel comfortable in any country.


The ability to self-organize is another important quality of a student. You can try to sit all day in the library when there are so many temptations around, especially in a big city! Or go to a concert, meet friends in a cafe, or walk around a mall. To organize your day properly, to get up on time and come to the first class, to work to the satisfaction of all classes – quite a difficult task. Self-organization determines the level of personal culture and predetermines the result of training. One of the components of success in any business is the ability to set priorities.


The modern student needs diligence and concentration very much. A young person needs, as a minimum, to be present at all lectures, to listen attentively to theoretical material, to make notes for himself in his notebook, to prepare for seminars and tests. Assiduity and attention can be developed. Psychologists recommend doing special exercises, because the human body with constant and regular repetition of the same information gradually develops the habit of reacting correctly. It is important to be able to concentrate on the task at hand and, if necessary, quickly switch attention to another.

Learning Skills

Learning ability is a quality that is not inherent in everyone. Most often, it is associated with personality traits. Someone captures very quickly and remembers information from the first time, someone needs to first write down and then read the material. Someone needs only small notes in a notebook in order to restore in memory the lecture. However, it is safe to say that independent and assiduous students have no problems with learning.


My advice – tear yourself away from the screens of gadgets and pick up a book. Read more classic literature! This promotes the development of literate writing skills. No serious and self-respecting organization will keep an employee, writing letters or, worse, drafting contracts with grammatical errors.

A versatile outlook or the ability to be interesting to others is an important trait of a future manager. Such students study not only the primary sources recommended by the curriculum, but also literature beyond the curriculum and in related disciplines. The motivation of this category of young people is the desire to learn new things. They like the process of learning the unknown. Students are driven by a healthy curiosity. According to statistics, this quality is an integral and quite weighty part of academic performance. It is as important a characteristic as intelligence to solve complex problems, including in business.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking, coupled with solid arguments, allows a student to successfully navigate multiple challenges. Such a person is difficult to manipulate. He will always be able to assess his capabilities, as well as the credibility and plausibility of the information he receives during his studies. This is a special kind of competence, which determines the level of thinking maturity of the student.

Foreign language classes are lessons in communication between students. They master the technique of active communication, conveying their thoughts and feelings in English. The degree of mutual understanding and psychological climate in the group, as well as the results of training depend on how well such communication is constructed. Communicative skills are necessary not only in students, but also in the future workplace. It is the ability to listen and make contact, to find a way out of a difficult situation, to stand up for oneself if necessary.

Be A Leader

Leadership qualities are the key to a successful career in the future. It is necessary to be ahead in learning and in extracurricular activities. A leader is able to identify the ultimate goal and lead the group to it, charging others with their faith and energy. Clear and competent speech, good manners, confidence, the ability to inspire and motivate people – all this you can learn by actively working on yourself.

Thus, the ever-increasing volume of information today leads to stress, and as a result, the body works hard, which worsens human health. Therefore, in the modern world the most adapted and successful specialists are those who are characterized by a flexible and quick mind; the ability to systematic, creative and critical thinking, analysis; having good interpersonal sensitivity and a high level of emotional intelligence; able to see several options for solving a problem situation.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Banking For Students

Opportunities and Advantages of Online Banking

Cashless payment with payment cards via the network is becoming more and more popular, and Internet banking opens up more and more possibilities for its users. Representatives of banks do not hide the fact that customer interest in this service is quite high. According to specialists’ assessments, the number of internet-banking users will grow as internet banking allows saving them money by enabling them to communicate with the bank from home or workplace. With the help of the remote banking system, one can carry out banking operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via the Internet in a protected mode. For example, the most popular credit card for students is the Jet Blue Mastercard. With this card alone, students have a huge number of opportunities and advantages. Moreover, you can look more here, namely how to activate the card, how to purchase it, and so on. That is, only with this card students can make purchases and pay bills online without problems.

Cost of Internet Banking

Connecting the service is usually free. At some banks, issuing a new set of session keys for access to the system costs a nominal fee. Most banks do not charge for Internet banking or charge only a small fee.

If we talk about a commission, for most payments, it is either much lower than at the bank or there is simply no commission. Fees are usually charged only for external payments to other banks, as well as for some types of services where the commission is provided by the provider. For example, in Moscow, you can pay for utilities online without a commission.

Online Banking Features

1) The possibilities of online banking are varied. As a rule, you can use it to view information about the balances and movement of funds in Student Bank Accounts and bank cards, to obtain information about loans, statements of accounts and cards, to make transfers between own accounts and payments to other banks, and convert funds at a preferential exchange rate.

2) However, these are far from being the main features of the service, which arouses great interest among students. The opportunity to pay “utility bills” without queues and commissions attracts them much more. Using the Internet one can repay credits, replenish electronic wallets, pay for cellular and landline communications, utilities, Internet, digital television, goods from Internet stores, traffic police fines, education, etc.

3) There are other unique possibilities. For example, you can quickly transfer funds to a customer’s brokerage accounts to participate in trading at various exchanges. Other banks allow you to open a deposit online.

The number of services depends on the bank. In some banks the number of payment recipients (merchants) is small, in others, there are many more. There are banks where the number of merchants is in the hundreds, there are banks where the number runs into the thousands.

Securing Online Banking

Internet has never been known for privacy. It has long been a well-established opinion that if data gets on the Internet, it is easy to steal. This is why many students are deterred by this fact, despite all the advantages of online banking. However, banks take the issue of confidentiality seriously and do everything to guarantee the client the security of using this service. Large sums are being invested in technologies that allow the development of Internet banking. Particular attention is paid to security systems and the protection of client data.

As a rule, an Internet banking system includes several layers of security. Each payment is confirmed with a single-use session key, a secret code is entered via a virtual keyboard, and the client receives an SMS on his cell phone about the transaction, one session may not last more than 15 minutes, and daily payment limits are set for the volume of payments. In addition, if necessary, the service can be blocked by calling customer support.

I advise you to follow simple and universal security rules – work on computers you trust, carefully store information, do not share personal data with outsiders, do not allow you to lose passwords and access codes to the system.


·      Communicating with the Bank without leaving your office;
·      Making payments regardless of location;
·      Transmission of account management orders via electronic communication channels;
·      Control and authorization of transactions made by your accountant from anywhere in the world;
·      Dealing with all your bank accounts, regardless of currency and type of transaction;
·      Real time saving on money order delivery: no standing in queues and traffic jams;
·      Elimination of transportation costs, expenses for paper and toner;
·      Efficient use of your staff’s time.

Why Is It More Profitable Than Servicing In A Bank Office?

A reliable and convenient way to serve your business remotely has a number of obvious advantages over traditional banking:

·      Convenience and simplicity – the ability to manage your accounts from anywhere in the world and perform banking transactions without leaving the office;

·      Informed – prompt information on the status of all accounts of the company in the Bank and accounts of its subsidiaries, as well as other financial information;

·      Efficiency – possibility to make prompt decisions based on the received information and perform calculations in real-time;

·      Cost-effectiveness – saving human and time resources, reducing material costs associated with applying to the bank;

·      Independence – depending on bank working hours or traffic situation;

·      Security – usage of cryptographic protection of transferred information and multilevel system of electronic digital signatures (hereinafter referred to as EDS) depending on the amount of authority and payment amount.

·      Speed – fast performance of bank operations

·      Accessibility – possibility to manage your bank accounts by yourself

·      Time saving – no need to go to the bank and stand in a queue to make necessary banking operations or receive banking services; 24/7 operational mode

·      No connection or service fees: registration in the system is absolutely free of charge, there is no subscription fee.

Main Capabilities

The Internet banking system for individuals provides the following capabilities:

·      to control own bank accounts (card, deposit, and loan) and receive statements on them for any period of time

·      to make transfer operations:

·      card-to-card (between cards issued by BTA Bank)

·      from card to your deposit/current account opened in the Bank

·      transfers from your deposit to your card

Thus, the use of Internet banking provides the possibility of rapid access of customers to financial information provided by the bank through online access; the formation and transmission through the Internet to the bank of electronic documents of various types; the provision of access to the central system through an interface for mobile clients; security of remote access and data protection. The global computer communication network Internet is a universal environment, through which it is possible to accelerate the interaction of economic subjects, providing them with the required security, mobility, and comfort.

How to Attend Graduate School for Free

The answer is obvious – to successfully pass the entrance exams. But what to do if you are a few points short of the cherished goal? You can study for a fee, try your luck at another university or delay the attempt to enter graduate school for a year or two. Or you can make sure in advance and reserve some extra points for admission. How to do it – tell us in our today’s article.

What Is Graduate School and Why Go There?

Graduate school is a form of postgraduate education aimed at training research and teaching staff for higher education institutions and research institutes. During your studies, you will learn how to do research on your own and prepare a PhD thesis. It’s up to you whether or not you defend your dissertation. If a graduate student fails to defend his or her dissertation, he or she receives a certificate of completion of graduate school and passing the examinations of the candidate’s minimum (if he or she manages to pass the examinations).

What Does Postgraduate Study Entail?

Firstly, it is participation in research and development activities, which are often funded by government organizations and various scientific and charitable foundations. Secondly, it is a line on the resume, which will help move up the career ladder and get a raise. Third, an important benefit for full-time students is a deferment from military service.

Documents For Admission To Graduate School

-Passport or identity card proving nationality.
-Copy of diploma of higher vocational education or diploma of master’s degree;
-Сurriculum vitae;
-Recommendation from the workplace (minutes of the Academic Council meeting or the recommendation of the SAC, if the applicant has just graduated from the university);
-Certificates of individual achievements, taking into account in admission to this university.
-Мedical certificate;
-Аn abstract on the intended topic of research.

It is worth noting the following point. According to the new rules of admission to graduate school, organizations can accept documents and conduct entrance examinations before the applicant receives a diploma of higher education in his hands. The original diploma will need to be submitted before admission to graduate school. This means that you do not have to worry in case of a delay in the delivery of diplomas at the end of high school. As for the consideration of individual achievements in the admission to graduate school, more and more universities require them to submit them in the form of a portfolio, which includes many documents.

Why Is “Free” In Quotes?

Because universities charge fees from their students, for example for the use of the library and gym, etc. Fees can range from 42 to 350 euros per semester. Also, if you got into one of these “free” universities and did not look for additional funding, then to get a visa you will need to open a bank account in the country where you want to go to study and have there enough money, by the standards of the government, for accommodation and food for the entire period of study. If the subject of European education interests you, you can choose the university on a special website.

The duration of training in a Master’s degree is 2 years, with the exception of Britain – usually 1 year. The money you can withdraw monthly is no more than a certain amount. Let’s say in Germany, the living wage per month is about 600 euros (the figure is approximate), you have to go to the bank account 600 * 24 months. And you can withdraw 600 euros a month – no more. If you do not accumulate the amount – you will not be given a visa. There is an option without the account – to look for a scholarship, even if it will not fully cover the cost of living, you will not have to bother with opening an account in another country, to look for a guarantor, etc.


How do I find a scholarship to study abroad? There are several common avenues: host government scholarship, university scholarship, NGO grants, native government scholarships, etc.

Host government. For example, there are many grants, which is allocated by the European Union for citizens of third countries. The most famous is Erasmus Mundus. This program covers the full cost of a master’s degree and accommodation. Disadvantages – you cannot choose the universities in which you want to study. I.e. you come to the program, the description of which is usually 4 or 6 partner universities, there are 12 and 15 pieces. So, you can be sent to any two of them.

You can, of course, specify a preference, but you do not choose, but the program coordinators. There are good programs with interesting universities, which is very real to come to, there is an unrealistically difficult program (four scholarships, the Russians have never been granted before), there are universities in the ass of the world, can give one very good school somewhere in London, the second year will be in Lithuanian or Polish provincial town to go and learn Polish summer in the countryside. If you decide to go to study, go to the websites of the government of the country, almost all countries in Europe offer grants or scholarships for foreign students. Most of them are published in English. For example, the Chevening grant for studying in the UK covers tuition + board and lodging + flight.


Non-governmental organizations, private foundations, etc. patrons can pay for study abroad. You have to look for them manually and by yourself. Requirements range from age and nationality to sexual preference. They can give grants (in the US) to atheists, agnostics, skeptics, gamers, single girls, women over 50, twins, people who can call ducks, Star Trek fans, etc. They like to give grants to women and girls who want to do natural, exact sciences, programming.

Thus, graduate school is suitable for those who gravitate to teaching or plan to further engage in theoretical and practical research. It is impossible for a student to become a graduate student if he or she has not completed a master’s degree. So, you should think about whether you want to go straight to work or whether you plan to finish your master’s degree while you are still in the middle of your bachelor’s degree. What’s more, you may very well be able to attend graduate school for free!