Often students and their parents perceive the diploma of higher education as a guarantee of successful employment and a secure future. But is it so? Modern managers do not look at the insert with beautiful grades or the line about the form of education – they are more important personal and professional qualities of the candidate. I have prepared a list of useful skills that are worth mastering in college and university to be successful in the future.

Motivation is a need that motivates a person to do something that brings him or her closer to the goal. Learning is quite a complex type of intellectual activity. It requires a serious interest in the process. A result-oriented student is usually driven by the following motives:
- The desire to learn something new for oneself
- The desire to become a highly skilled professional
- A desire to have a job in a prestigious organization and a high salary
- A desire to expand the circle of acquaintances
- The desire to establish oneself in society and to obtain a high status
So how to increase, for example, motivation to learn English? One can imagine that a person has already achieved his goal and has an excellent command of English. In this regard, what prospects have opened in front of him? This is an interesting and well-paid job, a quick climb up the career ladder, new acquaintances, exciting travels, the ability to feel comfortable in any country.

The ability to self-organize is another important quality of a student. You can try to sit all day in the library when there are so many temptations around, especially in a big city! Or go to a concert, meet friends in a cafe, or walk around a mall. To organize your day properly, to get up on time and come to the first class, to work to the satisfaction of all classes – quite a difficult task. Self-organization determines the level of personal culture and predetermines the result of training. One of the components of success in any business is the ability to set priorities.
The modern student needs diligence and concentration very much. A young person needs, as a minimum, to be present at all lectures, to listen attentively to theoretical material, to make notes for himself in his notebook, to prepare for seminars and tests. Assiduity and attention can be developed. Psychologists recommend doing special exercises, because the human body with constant and regular repetition of the same information gradually develops the habit of reacting correctly. It is important to be able to concentrate on the task at hand and, if necessary, quickly switch attention to another.
Learning Skills
Learning ability is a quality that is not inherent in everyone. Most often, it is associated with personality traits. Someone captures very quickly and remembers information from the first time, someone needs to first write down and then read the material. Someone needs only small notes in a notebook in order to restore in memory the lecture. However, it is safe to say that independent and assiduous students have no problems with learning.
My advice – tear yourself away from the screens of gadgets and pick up a book. Read more classic literature! This promotes the development of literate writing skills. No serious and self-respecting organization will keep an employee, writing letters or, worse, drafting contracts with grammatical errors.

A versatile outlook or the ability to be interesting to others is an important trait of a future manager. Such students study not only the primary sources recommended by the curriculum, but also literature beyond the curriculum and in related disciplines. The motivation of this category of young people is the desire to learn new things. They like the process of learning the unknown. Students are driven by a healthy curiosity. According to statistics, this quality is an integral and quite weighty part of academic performance. It is as important a characteristic as intelligence to solve complex problems, including in business.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking, coupled with solid arguments, allows a student to successfully navigate multiple challenges. Such a person is difficult to manipulate. He will always be able to assess his capabilities, as well as the credibility and plausibility of the information he receives during his studies. This is a special kind of competence, which determines the level of thinking maturity of the student.
Foreign language classes are lessons in communication between students. They master the technique of active communication, conveying their thoughts and feelings in English. The degree of mutual understanding and psychological climate in the group, as well as the results of training depend on how well such communication is constructed. Communicative skills are necessary not only in students, but also in the future workplace. It is the ability to listen and make contact, to find a way out of a difficult situation, to stand up for oneself if necessary.
Be A Leader
Leadership qualities are the key to a successful career in the future. It is necessary to be ahead in learning and in extracurricular activities. A leader is able to identify the ultimate goal and lead the group to it, charging others with their faith and energy. Clear and competent speech, good manners, confidence, the ability to inspire and motivate people – all this you can learn by actively working on yourself.
Thus, the ever-increasing volume of information today leads to stress, and as a result, the body works hard, which worsens human health. Therefore, in the modern world the most adapted and successful specialists are those who are characterized by a flexible and quick mind; the ability to systematic, creative and critical thinking, analysis; having good interpersonal sensitivity and a high level of emotional intelligence; able to see several options for solving a problem situation.